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dc.contributor.authorKimaro, J.A., Massati,J.A., And Mugasha,J.A.
dc.description.abstracti. The Court of Appeal is not an executing Court. Modes of execution are provided for under the Civil Procedure Code. ii. Under Rule 120 (1) of the Court Rules, for any civil appeal, the appellant is required to deposit security for costs amounting to Tanzania shillings two thousand. This means that the respondent may under Rule 120(3) of the Rules request the Court to consider increasing the amount of security for costs. As long as the notice of motion requests for an .order for deposit of security for costs.en_US
dc.publisherThe Court of Appeal Tanzaniaen_US
dc.subjectCivil Application No. 171 OF 2015en_US
dc.subjectDar Es Salaamen_US
dc.titleJohn Paul Shibuda &Tanzania international Agri Input Co-Lto Applicants Vs Nordox Industries As Responoent, Civil Application No. 171 Of 2015, In The Court Of Appeal Of Tanzania At Dar Es Salaam, Pp 8-11 (Coram: Kimaro,J.A., Massati,J.A., And Mugasha,J.A.)en_US

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