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dc.contributor.authorKimaro, J.A., Oriyo,J.A., And Kaijage,J.A.
dc.description.abstractThe principle of law established by the Court is that the appellant is entitled to have the evidence re-evaluated by the first appellant .court and give its own findings.It was the responsibility of the appellant to bring witnesses from the suppliers from whom it purchased the materials. The appellant however did not call any witness. Not even the witnesses the respondent was alleged to have dismissed for mishandling the project. Under the circumstances we see no reason for interfering with the learned trial judge's findingen_US
dc.publisherThe Court of Appeal Tanzaniaen_US
dc.subjectCivil Appeal No.05 Of 2009en_US
dc.subjectDar Es Salaamen_US
dc.titleFuture Century Ltd Vs Tanesco, Civil Appeal No.05 Of 2009, In The Court Of Appeal Of Tanzania At Dar Es Salaam, Pp 12-15 (Coram: Kimaro, J.A., Oriyo,J.A. And Kaijage, J.A.)en_US

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