Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • John Kashekya vs The Attorney General 

      Kaji, J, A.: (THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TANZANIA, 2007-06-14)
      Upon notice of withdrawal filed by the applicant, and upon concession by the learned state Attorney Mr. Tangoh for the respondent, the application is hereby marked withdrawn in terms of Rule 3 (2) (a) of the Court of Appeal ...
    • Juma Mtungirehe vs The Boardoftrusteesof Tanganyika National Parks t/a Tanzania National Park Respondent 

      Sheikh, J. (THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TANZANIA, 2018-10-03)
      On its part, this Court grants the applicant's prayer to withdraw the application, and it is accordingly marked withdrawn in terms of Rule 58 (3) of the Tanzania Court of Appeal Rules, 2009. No order as to costs